A touch of luxury and sophistication

Sustainable, long-lasting flowers beautifully presented in a range of luxury vases

For Hotels | Restaurants | Hospitality | Interior Designers | Retail | Bespoke


What are Infiniblooms?

Infiniblooms are beautiful, long-lasting, rose flower arrangements that come complete with a vase.

Our roses come from abundant and exuberant fields in South America. Only the finest roses are harvested and treated immediately, giving them freshness and longevity, which allows them to look perfect for up to six months. 

Their longevity (and cost effectiveness) makes them a perfect addition for hotels, serviced apartments, offices, restaurants, and homes. They make incredible gifts and keepsakes.

Sustainable and

 long lasting flowers

Our roses are treated immediately after harvest which allows

them to stay fresh and looking fabulous for up to six months

How to Place an Order?

1. Choose your vase

2. Choose the colour of your roses

3. Place your order

Our products are only available in the London area. For deliveries outside of London please contact info@infiniblooms.com

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Would you like something very specific? Do you prefer to use your own vase?

Meet Infinibllooms Bespoke.

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